Place your order for one of Woodshed Burgers’ 3 locations online.
Make sure you select the right location! We’d hate to see your burgers go cold!


124 St

10723 124 Street
Edmonton, AB | T5M 0H2
T  780.752.2874


Order From 124st

Directions to 124st



2307 Ellwood Drive SW
Edmonton, AB | T6X0A9
T  587.635.9663


Order From Ellerslie

Directions to Ellerslie


Cameron Heights

637 Cameron Heights Dr
Edmonton, AB | T6M 0L9
T  780.249.2747


Order From Cameron Heights

Directions to Cameron Heights


Golf Dens

975 Ordze Rd
Sherwood Park, AB | T8A 4L7
T  780-570-5336


Order From Golf Den

Directions to Golf Den